Saturday, March 21, 2015


Hello Brothers and Sisters!

For those who don't know me, I'll take this spot to give you a brief introduction.

My name is Nathaniel Ogden. You can find me tucked away in the open region known as Rock Springs, Wyoming, USA. I have been a baptized member of Jehovah's Witnesses since April 17, 2010 along side my loving wife Brittany. Before that time I had long hair, wore mostly black, had quite the mouth, and loved violent video games and heavy metal. My wife had long know of Jehovah's people, and studied at times growing up, but wasn't doing so at the time we started dating. We had some classes together in school, and ended up dating towards the end of her senior year (I was a grade younger). About a year later, after I had graduated, she was troubled by her lifestyle and her conscious moved her to return to Jehovah's organization and resume studies. She made firm and sudden changes to do this. I admire her faith she had. She made the choice to move out from living with me, and get on track spiritually. I imagine that must of grieved her heart, and took strength to realize I, like many others, may have challenged her decision. Our relationship could have very well been over that day.It was clear that I was being sought out by Jehovah though. Although, I was against religion, I for some reason was moved to accept her offer of a study of the Bible. Fresh off the press at that time was the book "What Does the Bible Really Teach?", and I realized many of my conceptions about the Bible were wrong, and based on false information. From there out, we courted and were married the following year and moved to a new town and congregation. A few month after that, we then became unbaptized publisher. From there, it would take us a few more years, and a few more moves, before we were moved to dedication.

We've had some bumps in the road since that day. Those bumps included learning about and dealing with disorders we both had. Disorders that could be very severe, troubling to deal with, and that we will have to both live with for the remainder of this system. For me, I have struggles with depression, toppled with minor anxiety issues and topped off with a nice serving of ADHD. On top of that, despite my young age, my knees were continually deteriorating. I was in tremendous amounts of pain, and I was facing the possibility of surgery. Physical therapy helped, but being imperfect, who knows how long it would stay. I took it to deep prayer to Jehovah, how to continue to provide all my families needs from here out, especially with our issues. I was working as a Janitor at that time, and after prayer I started to try and figure what I could do for work or living that would do such going forward. I inquired about what it would take to get into the IT field (computer support) since I like technology, and it was something I could shoot for within my current workplace. After speaking with the supervisor on what I should consider doing to getting in the field, he let me know he'd consider me for any openings if they come up. Not long after that, one did come up. I didn't feel like I had any business applying, but he asked me to submit a resume. I got an interview, in which I was asked about my experience and credentials in the field. "Google". That was my answer and the truth. I learned everything from search and experience. After a month of nerve racking waiting, I was informed much to my surprise I got the job. How could this be anything other than Jehovah's hand? I still just don't see it! No experience, high school education, janitor. Took another month before my transfer took place, and I was thrown into the world of IT. It has truly been a blessing as now, I have a normal work schedule, still have the means that I had already to care for our health, and plus got quite a bit larger pay. I know Jehovah has blessed me in this way. It's like since then my mind has been opened to the knowledge that was needed for that job. I'm continually grateful for that. There are many other event that took place that lead me to believe that Jehovah's hand was in this all, but my intro is getting long enough as it is, so moving on...

A year later now in the field, and I'm starting to become the resident go-to computer guy for my brothers and sisters here in the congregation. So, I decided I would make this blog to share with you all, whether you be here in Rock Springs, or anywhere else in our worldwide brotherhood, to give tip, tutorials, and just overall any advice to assist you in your service to Jehovah.

Because of the above mentioned disorders, I've never felt very useful to Jehovah in his field ministry. My eyes are literally watering right now thinking about field service. That's the kind of anxiety I deal with. I'm always afraid too of actually finding that one person at the door that is actually interested, then never returning because of my disorders, or needing to care for my wife and her disorders. So, I try to look for whatever way I can to give my service to Jehovah. The best I feel I can do consistently is to try to encourage, up build, and support my brothers and sisters in whatever way possible. I also try to have arrangements made so I can accompany others to there return visits, or even just driving others if I am too weak emotionally at the time to get out of the car. It's really embarrassing. Mental disorders, it's an impairment you can't see. I'm guilty at times of failing to recognize that in others at times when I know that they suffer from mental issues as well. So, I consider this another part of my service to Jehovah and part of doing whatever I can to give him my best.

I'd like to note that this blog is not endorsed by the Governing Body, Congregation, organization, or any other individual. This is solely me sharing whatever I can give to support however many brothers and sisters I can. Technology can scare people, and our organization is doing amazing keeping up with the fast pace of the changes in the worlds culture and advancements. I pray, this will help you and encourage you so you may be a better and faithful servant of Jehovah, and see this as a token of my love for all you brothers and sisters, the organization, along with Jehovah and his son Jesus.